Atmos - How do I Sign up\ register?

In order to register for Atmos, please either follow the link in your software application or visit

Complete the registration page: (numbers below relate to the tags in the image below)

  1. Complete the company details.
  2. Create your own unique URL. This URL can be used to access your customized login page. For example if your company is called “Bobs Widgets”, your URL would be something like
  3. Complete the details for the initial administrator of your system. This can be changed once you have completed the initial log in. You can also add additional users and administrators in the settings section of the Atmos application.
  4. In order to complete the registration process you will need to agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy.
  5. Click the “Create My Account” button to complete registration.

Once completed you will receive an email to verify your email address, once verified you can proceed to either your personalized login page created in step 2 above or visit



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