How to install the CallCabinet desktop client software

1. Acquire the latest version from the support team for your company

2. Copy the MSI setup file to the agent’s workstations - The setup file may also be deployed with a supported MSI deployment service to allow for roll out of the software to all your agent workstations and supports silent installs.

3. Run the setup to install the software

4. Restart the workstation

5. Confirm that the software installation was successful by checking if it is running in the bottom right corner of your taskbar.


Important requirements :

1. Please ensure that any existing CallCabinet clients are uninstalled before installing the new version.

2. Only Microsoft Windows supported. Ensure that .NET Framework 4.0 or Latest is installed on the workstation.

3. Please ensure that the CallCabinet client software is excluded\ unblocked from your Firewall or AnitVirus. 

4. Ensure that the correct Domain account is configured under the user account settings on CallCabinet as per the Tutorial.


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